About Us
D’La Mata originates in 2020, in the middle of the pandemic of COVID-19.
For us, it is important to mention COVID-19 because by having a
long and obligated pause of the daily what to do we, we could observe,
return to the countryside, to our essence and said: the Boricua faces what
comes and each day we demonstrate that we are Boricua D’La Mata.
D’La Mata surge en el 2020, en medio de la pandemia del COVID-19.
Es importante mencionar el COVID-19 porque al tener una larga
y obligada pausa del quehacer diario pudimos observar, regresamos
al campo, a nuestra esencia y dijimos: el Boricua le hace frente a
lo que venga y cada día demostramos que somos Boricua D’La Mata.